Course curriculum
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Module 1: The Four Dimensions of Reality
Welcome to Module One!
Share your Story of Self
The Importance of Perspective-taking
Integrating Perspectives to Deal with Complexity
Intro to the Four Quadrants of Integral Theory
Diving Deeper into each Quadrant
The Tetra-emergence of the Quadrants
Different Quadrants, Different Realms of Expertise
Living the Four Dimensions of Reality
Why Do We Need an Integral Approach?
Working in a VUCA Context
Dancing on the VUCA Dance Floor
The Theories Behind the Practice
Storytelling as Sense-making
The Integral Mapping Steps to Come
Moving Through the World - An Array of Perspectives (part 1)
IMAP Step 1A - Connect to your purpose
Andrew's Purpose
Assignment 1A - Capture your purpose
IMAP Step 1B - Define your field of work
IMAP Step 1C - Identify your assumptions
Assignment 1B&C - Define your field of work and identify your assumptions
Nice work!
Module 2: Evolutionary Development
Welcome to Module Two!
The Overview Effect
What is Development?
The Illusion of Objectivity
Participating in Evolution
Experiencing the Tetra-emergence of the Moment
Self as an Instrument of Social Transformation
Tending the Garden of Life with Love
"The Journey of the Human Being" - Meditation and Discussion
“Developing Sustainability, Developing the Self”
IMAP Step 2A - Brainstorm influencing factors
IMAP Step 2B - Identify the Driving Forces
IMAP 2C: Refine and Describe the Driving Forces
IMAP Step 2 Assignment
IMAP Step 3 - Analyze the relationships
IMAP Step 4: Discover your Zone of Influence
IMAP Steps 3&4 Assignment
You're on a roll!
A Serious Lesson
For your Reflection: A New Story of the People
Module 3: Working with Worldviews
Welcome to Module 3!
Why Worldviews?
Worldview Assessment
Introducing the Stages of Development
Traditional - Amber
Modern - Orange
Postmodern - Green
Integral - Teal
“Sex, God, and Integral International Development”
Moving through the World - An Array of Perspectives (part two)
Principles for Working with Worldviews
"Navigating Worldviews" - Meditation and Discussion
Checking in with the U Journey
IMAP Step 5 - Systemically Represent the Landscape
The Importance of Feedback Loops
IMAP Step 5 Assignment
IMAP Step 6A: Telling the Story of the Present
IMAP Step 6B: Discovering the Story of the Future
The Story of the Future of Community Finance
IMAP Step 6A & 6B Assignment
Pat yourself on the back!
Module 4: Integration
Welcome to Module Four!
BONUS Meditation! "A Biography of Consciousness"
Moving towards interbeing
Holding Complexity with Humility
Using the Self as Instrument to Tend the Garden with Love
Meeting People Where They're At
Constructing Generative Stories
"Integration" - Meditation and Discussion
IMAP Step 7A - Define the Change Objective
IMAP Step 7B - Create the Impact Chain
The Integral Magic Bullet
IMAP Step 8 - Design the Action Plan
IMAP Steps 7&8 Assignment
Thank You for Your Commitment to Transforming Society
Cultivating our Integral Community
IWB and CIC offerings
Download by Donation: Guided Meditation Series for Integral Practitioners
Course Evaluation Survey